August 11, 2009

August 11th.....

Today is my 28th Birthday! Shannon took me to my Favorite Resturant BOB CHINN'S for lunch! They have thee best Crablegs and Mai Tai's! OMG it was soooo good! It was a great birthday. Even though Shannon is on nights, we still were able to spend the afternoon together! And yes....we did have a babysitter!

August, 11th 2009

Vin's early Bday present!

Shannon has been wanting to get another dog for about a year now. I kept on saying No, No, NO! But I guess he broke me! He wanted to get a little house dog for Vincent. Yes we already have a dog, Chopper who just turned 3, But he LOVES to be outside and is WAY too BIG to be a house dog. So, Shannon found her on a Chicago Land Rescue site. With in 5 days of seeing her, She was ours! They guesstimate her age to be around 9 months old. She is WONDERFUL with Vin and Chopper. They told us she is a Basset Hound Mix. She will only get up to 15-17lbs . Perfect for a house dog. She did not have a name yet so .... Shannon came up with a great one! Please Welcome Miss Daisy Duke!

Vin and His Doggie!
Taking Daisy for a walk around the yard!

Arlington Race Track Aug.1st

After visiting my parents for a week, I came back home solo! My parents watch Vin for a couple day so Shannon and I could get things done around the house. Such as, Move Vin to the bigger room and make it a big boy room, paint his old nursery and get ready for our HUGE garage sale! In the mist of all of that, Our friend had his bday at the race track. It was a little odd not having Vin with us BUT it was also nice just to relax and not have any worries!

August 1st 2009

Papa & Vin

Auntie Jill gave Vin an Ice Cream cone . She said he looked at it for the longest time because he didnt know what to do with it! LOL

The Aftermath! Yummy!!!