June 21, 2010

Father's Day...

Father's Day morning!
Logan, Carter, and Vincent looking for the horses
Ava wanted to get in on the fun too!
Ava playing Peek-A-Boo with her hat!
Ava and Vin relaxing in the wagon :)
Daddy and Vincent watching to see if they won!
Today, Shannon woke up to a thoughtful card and his favorite chocolate from the boys for father's day! Even tho Shannon had to work at night, we spent the day at Arlington Race Track watching the ponies! Vincent had a blast placing bets and actually winning some "moneys" (as Vincent calls it)! Charlie and Julie were also there with the kids too! It was a hot hot day and a wonderful Father's Day!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy Belated Father's Day Shannon!
I love these pics.